Tuesday 28 September 2010


This is our initial storyboard:

Friday 24 September 2010

Location Scouting

We found an area of quite large, derelict buildings located in Tunbridge Wells. This location is far easier to access than the other buildings we have previously sought after, however there are only certain rooms and parts of buildings we could film in, due to graffiti and rubbish. If we were to film here, we would most likely have to change some aspects of our storyboard to fit with the available set - for example we did not have access to a building with lots of different rooms as we have storyboarded.

Newspaper articles

As part of our storyboard we have a shot of a wall plastered in newspaper cut-outs/missing posters, so this is an example of some we have already created.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Facebook Group

We've made a facebook group to promote our trailer and for people to see our development. It is also an easy way of promoting questionnaires etc (: We posted potential locations and various other photos we ave taken, such as make up trials, to get feedback. We have 117 members so far :)

Friday 17 September 2010

Questionnaire Results

So far, we have collected 60 responses from our questionnaire and here are the results:

- 90% of the responses were people aged 15-19, which is our target audience.

- When asked what horror film they prefer, 61% of people answered 'Psychological'. 'Slasher/Splatter' was the least favoured, with only 10.2%.

- The results for the question 'What are your biggest fears?' are as follows:
(NB - they could choose a possible 3 answers)

- The most recurring answer to where they would feel most afraid was somewhere 'abandoned', 'isolated', 'alone' and 'dark'. In terms of actual location, 'woods' and 'big houses/buildings (e.g. hospitals)' were frequent answers. 

- Their favourite horror films predominantly included films such as 'The Grudge' and the 'Saw' series. We will deconstruct these in further detail to establish why they are most popular. 

- Results of what key elements of a teaser trailer are most appealing are stated in the graph (the higher the rating the better):

- The most common answers for what is expected in teaser trailers include 'suspense', 'fast editing' and 'jumpy shots'.

- People do not want to see girls running around screaming, 'fake blood' and bad acting. 


Thursday 16 September 2010

Analysing existing posters...

We decided to look at some existing posters in the horror genre, which will eventually inspire us for our own.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Film Poster - The Strangers

The tag line at the top is in white so it stands out to the audience. It also creates more fear for the audience as it shows that there is something to fear in the film.
The dark lighting in the house play on the fear of loneliness. The fact that the main character has her back to the dark figure in the background shows fear of the unknown.
The audience are immediately drawn to the main character as they are positioned at the front of the poster, however they are to the left, they will then notice the dark figure in the centred of the poster but at the back which will shock the audience.

The setting of the poster also show invasion of personal space as it is in what looks like a ‘normal home’ with the objects on the table.

The actors in the film are written in yellow and in a small font and therefore do not stand out very much. This shows that there aren’t any big actors in the film.

The title is positioned at the bottom of the poster which means it is not the centre aim of the poster but the picture is. The font suggests a ghostly storyline as the letters are smudged with the light.

The tag line bellow the title also creates fear for the audience as it is based on true events.


Friday 10 September 2010

Narrative Idea

We've come up with the basic plot of our film and consequently know how our trailer will work.
A female photographer finds an abandoned house and goes inside to investigate. As she's walking around the house she finds a wall plastered with newspaper cut-outs and posters of a girl that she finds out went missing a long time ago. Then, starting to scare her, she hears banging on a door the opposite side of the house and turns to walk toward it. She evidently finds the girl locked in a room and at this point in our trailer we'd show really fast edited, creepy shots, such as the girl's face and plates smashing etc. Towards the end of the trailer the girl could whisper something to insinuate why she is locked in the house and why she can't get out, for example 'he won't let me out', which will leave a twist and an element of the plot that the audience has yet to find out. Title comes up, followed by cinema release date and then a scary shot at the end to make the audience jump.