Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Final Website



STAGE 4: Further Ideas

The website below website was one of our first designs which incorporates the wall collage of 'Lucy Allen'. But after some further research and development, we decided that the website layout did not fully fit in with the rest of the promotional package. Therefore we returned to using the image of the 'evil' girl character as the background image, which clearly represents the horror genre and Exposure.

STAGE 3: Producing Initial Ideas

Once we knew how to work the website builder, we could re-produce some of our initial ideas as real webpages. This is what we produced:

STAGE 2: Exploring Wix.com

Below is just an example of experimenting with Wix.com and seeing what tools and gadgets we could use to create our website.

STAGE 1: Initial/Rough Ideas

We started to draw up various rough ideas on paper first. Here we started
to consider the key categories to produce a professional looking website, these included the functionality, design, content, effectiveness and originality.

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