Monday 14 March 2011

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For both our teaser trailer and ancillary tasks, we used a range of new media technologies to achieve our final outcome.
Research and Planning
We used the internet as our main source of researching to broaden our knowledge on our target audience and existing sources of inspiration.
We created a Facebook group so we could promote any questionnaires we produced on websites such as Survey Monkey and ask for quick feedback on any makeup ideas or possible locations, along with aiming questionnaires at our target audience to explore a wider knowledge of what they wanted to see in a teaser trailer. We also created a Twitter, Flickr and YouTube account to regularly update any followers/friends.    

When designing our poster, we searched the internet for inspiration and to incorporate the typical codes and conventions of a horror film poster. To make our poster have a true concept of a horror film, we searched the internet so we could find a font that could do this for us. We found website which allowed us to download a font of our choice which we then included on our poster, website and teaser trailer.      
FONT Website:
YOUTUBE Account:
New media technologies were used for every aspect of constructing our teaser trailer and ancillary tasks.

We used cameras to film and capture all of our scenes, including some footage taken on mobile cameras. We then uploaded this to iMovie, a video editing programme where images could be cut up and repositioned, the actual image could be manipulated with the variety of effects available and titles could also be added to produce the final product. The sound for the trailer was originally downloaded off YouTube with the permission of the composer, and we then edited it in GarageBand, a music creator and editor programme, which enabled us to make the music parallel to what was being shown on screen.

To produce our website we used website builder, which allowed us to assemble a suitable website for our genre since it provided us with a large variety of tools. We managed to manipulate the website background image on photo editing software Photoshop, in order to get the best lighting, colours and overall look of the photograph to fit with what we had researched as a conventional website image for the horror genre.

We also used the popular internet sites Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to gain overall feedback on our finished piece. It allowed us to show and share our work with anyone around the world, providing us with a broad range of comments and opinions.
YouTube in particular, enabled us to see how successful our trailer 
was, which currently has over 1,700 views

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